Dr. David M. Green served as President of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) from 1981-1982. In his tenure as an active member[1] of the Society, Dave was awarded the R. Bruce Lindsay Award (1966) for his role in demonstrating the relationships between detection...
Meet Past President of ASA, Dr. Patricia Kuhl Dr. Patricia Kuhl on the night she was awarded ASA’s Gold Medal in Paris, France in 2008. Dr. Patricia Kuhl, Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America since 1982, was the vice president of the Society from 1996-1997...
Dr. Jim West outside Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Jim West, Acoustical Society of America’s (ASA) President from 1998-1999, has been a Fellow of the Society since 1985[1]. The Minority Fellowship, established in 1992, was renamed the James E. West...
Dr. Gilles Daigle, ASA’s President from 2007-2008, has been a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) since 1988. He served as ASA Vice President from 2000-2001 and has played an active role in the Society’s many committees[1]. He received ASA’s R. Bruce...
Dr. Lawrence Crum, a member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) since 1965, served as ASA Vice President from 1995-1996, and President from 1997-1998. He has received ASA’s awards for best magazine article on acoustics by a professional for “Sonoluminescence”...
Dr. Ilene Busch-Vishniac, a member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) since 1977 and a fellow since 1987, served as ASA Vice President from 1996-1997 and ASA President from 2003-2004. As a fellow of ASA in 1987, she received the R. Bruce Lindsay Award for her...