11 • The World Through Sound: Linearity

Welcome to another installment of The World Through Sound. Last time, we talked about reflection and refraction, and the principle of least time that governs them. This week we will discuss linearity, superposition, and how science uses approximations to make the...

Violin Acoustics Media – Colin E. Gough

Video 1.         Helmholtz string wave excited by slip-stick mechanism of moving bow (University of New South Wales, courtesy of Joe Wolfe).   Audio 1 Audio 2 Audio 3       Video 2.         Visualisation of empty shell modes in vacuum before...

Supplementary Text Violin Acoustics

Modelling Violin Modes Introduction In Figure S1 we first describe how the modes of the initially freely supported plates are transformed, when coupled together around their edges by the ribs, into those of the empty body shell. This relationship is of considerable...

8 • The World Through Sound: Resonance

Welcome to another installment of The World Through Sound. Last time we talked about Acoustic Impedance, and how horns are actually a kind of transformer, and operate in a way analogous to how a lever makes a large mass easier to move. In this article, we will talk...

Apple News Feed

Acoustical Society of America The premier international scientific society in acoustics, dedicated to increasing and diffusing the knowledge of acoustics and its practical applications. Enjoy the latest Acoustical Society News… From the Web Office Manager...

4 • The World Through Sound: Acoustic Pressure

Welcome to the fourth installment of The World Through Sound. In previous articles we discussed properties of sound, including sound speed, and wavelength. Today, we are going to take a step back and consider sound on a more fundamental level. We are going to discuss...

James L. Flanagan

James L. Flanagan, a former ASA President, ASA Gold Medal awardee, and recipient of the National Medal of Science, died Aug. 25, 2015 in Warren, NJ, at the age of 89.  For more than half a century Jim Flanagan has conducted and led research in the area of speech.  His...

3 • The World Through Sound: Wavelength

Welcome to the third installment of “The World Through Sound,” the Acoustics Today web series that shows how understanding just a few concepts in acoustics can change the way you see the world around you. Last time we considered frequency and how the relationship...

2 • The World Through Sound: Frequency

Welcome to the second installment of “The World Through Sound,” the Acoustics Today web series that shows how understanding just a few concepts in acoustics can change the way you see the world around you. Last time, we considered sound speed, and how sound speed...

1 • The World Through Sound: Sound Speed

Welcome to the first installment of “The World Through Sound.” In this series of monthly articles on the Acoustics Today web site, we will look at interesting phenomena that you might not have noticed and show how these concepts relate to acoustics, sometimes in...