Professor Pablo Luis Rendón – Ernesto Accolti

Welcome to the fifth installment of Interviews with Interview with Latin American Acousticians. You can find the previous interviews at we interview Professor Pablo Luis Rendón from the Autonomous National University of Mexico....

Interview with Professor Gustavo Basso – Ernesto Accolti

Welcome to the sixth installment of Interviews with Latin American Acousticians. You can find the previous interviews at this installment, we will talk with Professor Gustavo Basso from La Plata,...

Interview with Professor Débora Barretto – Ernesto Accolti

Welcome to the fourth installment of Interviews with Latin American Acousticians. You can find the previous interviews at interviewee of this installment is the Professor Débora Barretto from...

Interview with Professor Jorge Arenas – Ernesto Accolti

Welcome to the second installment of Interviews with South American Acousticians. You can find other interviews at in English and at in...

Interview with Professor Alberto Behar – Ernesto Accolti

Let me briefly introduce our first acoustician. He is Professor Alberto Behar, one of the founders and the first President of the Argentine Association of Acousticians. Over the course of his career in acoustics, Professor Behar has done research on the accuracy of...