COVID Pandemic and Its Impact on ASA Members

COVID Pandemic and Its Impact on ASA Members COVID Pandemic and Its Impact on ASA Members Over the past year, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has redefined daily work and life circumstances for Acoustical Society of America (ASA) members around the world. In February 2021,...

Volume 15 – 2019

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor From the President Featured Articles Defense Applications of Acoustic Signal Processing – Brian G. Ferguson Snap, Crackle and Pop: Theracoustic...

Volumes in Tabs

Volume 16 - 2020Volume 15 - 2019 Vol 16, Issue 1 Spring 2020 To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title.From the Editor Featured Articles American Luthier: The Art and Science of Carleen Hutchins – Quincy...

Volume 16 – 2020

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor Featured Articles American Luthier: The Art and Science of Carleen Hutchins – Quincy WhitneySynthesis of Musical Instrument Sounds: Physics-Based...

Spring 2021

  ​To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor Featured ArticlesUltrasonic Hearing in Cats and Other Terrestrial Mammals – M. Charlotte KrugerThe Ins and Outs of Baby Talk...

Polka Media

Multimedia Legends   Multimedia1. Sample of IDS used the ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Multimedia2. Sample of IDS used the ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Multimedia3. Sample of IDS used the ManyBabies Consortium (2020). Multimedia4. Sample of IDS used...

Volume 1 2005

Volume 16 (2020) Volume 15 (2019) Volume 14 (2018) Volume 13 (2017) Volume 12 (2016) Volume 11 (2015) Volume 10 (2014) Volume 9 (2013) Volume 8 (2012) Volume 7 (2011) Volume 6 (2010) Volume 5 (2009) Volume 4 (2008) Volume 3 (2007) Volume 2 (2006) Volume 1 (2005) To...

Volume 2 2006

Volume 16 (2020) Volume 15 (2019) Volume 14 (2018) Volume 13 (2017) Volume 12 (2016) Volume 11 (2015) Volume 10 (2014) Volume 9 (2013) Volume 8 (2012) Volume 7 (2011) Volume 6 (2010) Volume 5 (2009) Volume 4 (2008) Volume 3 (2007) Volume 2 (2006) Volume 1 (2005) To...

Volume 3 2007

Volume 16 (2020) Volume 15 (2019) Volume 14 (2018) Volume 13 (2017) Volume 12 (2016) Volume 11 (2015) Volume 10 (2014) Volume 9 (2013) Volume 8 (2012) Volume 7 (2011) Volume 6 (2010) Volume 5 (2009) Volume 4 (2008) Volume 3 (2007) Volume 2 (2006) Volume 1 (2005) To...

Volume 4 2008

Volume 16 (2020) Volume 15 (2019) Volume 14 (2018) Volume 13 (2017) Volume 12 (2016) Volume 11 (2015) Volume 10 (2014) Volume 9 (2013) Volume 8 (2012) Volume 7 (2011) Volume 6 (2010) Volume 5 (2009) Volume 4 (2008) Volume 3 (2007) Volume 2 (2006) Volume 1 (2005) To...

Volume 5 2009

Volume 16 (2020) Volume 15 (2019) Volume 14 (2018) Volume 13 (2017) Volume 12 (2016) Volume 11 (2015) Volume 10 (2014) Volume 9 (2013) Volume 8 (2012) Volume 7 (2011) Volume 6 (2010) Volume 5 (2009) Volume 4 (2008) Volume 3 (2007) Volume 2 (2006) Volume 1 (2005) To...

Volume 6 -2010

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. Featured Articles RICHMOND OLYMPIC OVAL – Marshall Long WAVE PROPAGATION IN ARRAYS OF SCATTERERS TUTORIAL- PART 2 – J. D. Maynard AUDITORY AND...

Volume 7 -2011

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. Featured Articles HOW DO OUR PARAMETERS AND MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES CONSTRAIN APPROACHES TO CONCERT HALL DESIGN? – Larry Kirkegaard and Tim GulsrudCLARITY,...

Volume 8 -2012

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Guest Editors Featured Articles THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA STANDARDS PROGRAM- ORGANIZATION AND SCOPE – Paul D. SchomerINTERNATIONAL...

Volume 9 -2013

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. Featured Articles On the Fascinating Phenomenon of Diffraction by Periodic Structures – Nico Felicien DeclercqMicrobubbles as Ultrasound Contrast Agents ...

Volume 10 -2014

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor Featured Articles Acoustical Horizontal Array Coherence Lengths and the “Carey Number” – James F. Lynch, Timothy F. Duda and John A. ColosiHow...

Volume 11 -2015

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the EditorFrom the PresidentFrom the Executive DirectorA Tribute to the Acoustical Society of America Featured Articles Acoustic Cloaking – Andrew N....

Volume 12 -2016

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the President and the Executive Director From the Web Office Manager Featured Articles The Invention and Evolution of the Piano – Nicholas Giordano...

Volume 13 -2017

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor Featured Articles Acoustics of Organ Pipes and Future Trends in the Research – by Judit Angster, Péter Rucz, and András Miklós What Is...

Volume 14 -2018

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor Featured Articles The Mammalian Ear: Physics and the Principles of Evolution – Geoffrey A. Manley, Andrei N. Lukashkin, Patrício Simões, George...

Meet Past President of ASA, Dr. David M. Green

 Dr. David M. Green served as President of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) from 1981-1982. In his tenure as an active member[1] of the Society, Dave was awarded the R. Bruce Lindsay Award (1966) for his role in demonstrating the relationships between detection...

Fall 2020

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor From the President Featured Articles An Introduction to Speech Privacy: Can You Hear Me Now? – Kenneth W. Good Jr. and Neil A. Shaw Public...

Winter 2020

​From the Editor From the President Featured Articles When Speech Goes Wrong: Evidence from Aphasia – Sheila E. Blumstein Electric Vehicles Get Alert Signals to be Heard by Pedestrians: Benefits and Drawbacks – André Fiebig The Evolution of Bat Robots...

Volume 16 | Issue 3 Fall 2020

Volume 16 (2020) Issue 3 Fall 2020 Issue 2 Summer 2020 Issue 1 Spring 2020 Volume 15 (2019) Issue 4 Winter 2019 Issue 3 Fall 2019 Issue 2 Summer 2019 Issue 1 Spring 2019 Volume 14 (2018) Issue 4 Winter 2018 Issue 3 Fall 2018 Issue 2 Summer 2018 Issue 1 Spring 2018...

How a Frog Hears MultiMedia – Andrea Simmons and Darlene Ketten

How a Frog Hears Andrea Simmons and Darlene Ketten   Multimedia Files Multimedia 1: MicroCT cross sections bullfrog ear:  This video is a series of gray scale X-ray images from a microCt examination showing cross-sections through one side of the head of a male...

Volume 15 -2019

Volume 16 (2020) Volume 15 (2019) Volume 14 (2018) Volume 13 (2017) Volume 12 (2016) Volume 11 (2015) Volume 10 (2014) Volume 9 (2013) Volume 8 (2012) Volume 7 (2011) Volume 6 (2010) Volume 5 (2009) Volume 4 (2008) Volume 3 (2007) Volume 2 (2006) Volume 1 (2005) To...

Volume 16 -2020

Volume 16 (2020) Volume 15 (2019) Volume 14 (2018) Volume 13 (2017) Volume 12 (2016) Volume 11 (2015) Volume 10 (2014) Volume 9 (2013) Volume 8 (2012) Volume 7 (2011) Volume 6 (2010) Volume 5 (2009) Volume 4 (2008) Volume 3 (2007) Volume 2 (2006) Volume 1 (2005) To...

Meet Past President of ASA, Dr. Patricia Kuhl

 Meet Past President of ASA, Dr. Patricia Kuhl ​Dr. Patricia Kuhl on the night she was awarded ASA’s Gold Medal in Paris, France in 2008. Dr. Patricia Kuhl, Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America since 1982, was the vice president of the Society from 1996-1997...

Meet Past President of ASA, Dr. Jim West

    Dr. Jim West outside Johns Hopkins University.   Dr. Jim West, Acoustical Society of America’s (ASA) President from 1998-1999, has been a Fellow of the Society since 1985[1].  The Minority Fellowship, established in 1992, was renamed the James E. West...


The resemblance between Dick and goldfish in a video kindly provided by Dr. Darlene Ketten, a long-time friend of Dick’s Used with permission. Video © 2020 Darlene Ketten, all rights...


Multimedia 1. An illustration of the Southern and Standard pronunciations by a bidialectal speaker reading the following text: When I was a kid, the grits I ate came from the box and I didn’t like them. Everyone has their own way cooking them though, and it all...


Multimedia legend file Multimedia 1: Lung Ultrasound. Lung ultrasound in B-mode shows reverberation artifacts (white horizontal lines) originating from the pleural line (thin tissue that covers the lungs). The pleural line slides back and forth as the patient...


Multimedia1 2020-06-14 AT Puria ME_3D Multimedia1: An interactive 3D anatomy model of the human middle ear and inner ear, as reconstructed from micro-CT imaging can be downloaded here and played on the readers computer in Adobe Acrobat (note, Adobe may take several...

Volume 16 | Issue 3 Fall 2020

To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its title. From the Editor From the President Featured Articles An Introduction to Speech Privacy: Can You Hear Me Now? – Kenneth W. Good Jr. and Neil A. Shaw Public...

Volume 16 | Issue 2 Summer 2020

Volume 16 (2020) Issue 2 Summer 2020 Issue 1 Spring 2020 Volume 15 (2019) Issue 4 Winter 2019 Issue 3 Fall 2019 Issue 2 Summer 2019 Issue 1 Spring 2019 Volume 14 (2018) Issue 4 Winter 2018 Issue 3 Fall 2018 Issue 2 Summer 2018 Issue 1 Spring 2018 Volume 13 (2017)...

Test Tabs

Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013Volume 9 - 2013 To view or download the full issue, click the cover image. To read an individual article, click its...

Meet Past President of ASA, Dr. Gilles Daigle

Dr. Gilles Daigle, ASA’s President from 2007-2008, has been a fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) since 1988. He served as ASA Vice President from 2000-2001 and has played an active role in the Society’s many committees[1]. He received ASA’s R. Bruce...