Speech: Not So Acoustic –   Matthew B. Winn

Speech: It’s Not as Acoustic as You Think   Author:           Matthew B. Winn Address:*       Department of Speech & Hearing Sciences University of Washington 1417 NE 42nd Street Seattle, Washington 98105 USA Email:             mwinn83@gmail.com  ...

Entrevista con la Profesora Débora Barretto – Ernesto Accolti

Entrevista con la Profesora Débora Barretto.     Bienvenidos a la cuarta entrega de Entrevistas con Acústicos Latinamericanos. Las entrevistas anteriores se pueden encontrar en http://acousticstoday.org/entrevistas-con-acusticos-sudamericanos/. Nuestra...

Rudnick References

  Allen, C. H. and Rudnick, I. (1947). A powerful high frequency siren.  The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 20(1), 857-865. Bardeen, J., Cooper, L. N., and Schrieffer, J. R. (1957).  Theory of Superconductivity. Physical Review 108(5), 1175-1204....

Entrevista con el Profesor Jorge Arenas – Ernesto Accolti

Bienvenidos a la segunda entrega de Entrevistas con Acústicos Sudamericanos. Puede encontrar otras entrevistas en http://acousticstoday.org/entrevistas-con-acusticos-sudamericanos/ en español y en http://acousticstoday.org/interviews-south-american-acousticians/ en...

Interview with Professor Jorge Arenas – Ernesto Accolti

Welcome to the second installment of Interviews with South American Acousticians. You can find other interviews at http://acousticstoday.org/interviews-south-american-acousticians/ in English and at http://acousticstoday.org/entrevistas-con-acusticos-sudamericanos/ in...

Sound Production in Aquatic Mammals – Joy S. Reidenberg

2-reidenberg VIDEO CAPTIONS Video 1. Excerpt from Inside Nature’s Giants: Big Cats, Windfall Films, showing laryngoscopic demonstration of human vocal folds in action (Ariella Reidenberg, patient, and Dr. Peak Woo, laryngologist in New York), and an explanation of how...

Entrevista con el profesor Alberto Behar – Ernesto Accolti

Permítanme presentar brevemente a nuestro primer acústico. Es el profesor Alberto Behar, uno de los fundadores y primer presidente de la Asociación de Acústicos Argentinos. A lo largo de su carrera en acústica, el profesor Behar ha investigado la precisión de los...

Interview with Professor Alberto Behar – Ernesto Accolti

Let me briefly introduce our first acoustician. He is Professor Alberto Behar, one of the founders and the first President of the Argentine Association of Acousticians. Over the course of his career in acoustics, Professor Behar has done research on the accuracy of...

Multimedia Demo – Valerie Hazan

Speech communication across the lifespan Aim of this multimedia demo The aim of this multimedia demo is to illustrate the changes in voice fundamental frequency (also called ‘voice pitch’) that occur as a function of age and talker sex. The recordings are taken from...

